We Offer the Fastest and Most Private Business Filings, Since 2002
The Fastest Filings Possible
Every Order Processed the Same Day
Keep Your Address Off Public Record
E-Document Delivery Service
Website, Email & Phone Service Available
Premium Registered Agent Service Free
LLC Overview
Most new businesses are formed as Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), as the formation of LLCs now far outpaces the creation of corporations at a significant rate. You can form an LLC with our online incorporation service just as fast as you could form a corporation. And there are many reasons why you would want to form an LLC vs. a corporation.
Technically, LLCs are not incorporated, they are organized. LLCs have fewer corporate formalities and are defaulted to be taxed by the IRS as a sole proprietorship. However, you can elect to have your LLC taxed as an S corporation or a C corporation, should you choose to do so.
When you form an LLC online with Incorporate Fast Inc., we will prepare and file your LLC, draft your organizational private documents (included in an operating agreement) and get your Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN or FEIN) as fast as it can possibly be done.
The second most popular choice for entrepreneurs starting a new business is to form a corporation. When we began our business, corporations were king simply because people were less familiar with LLCs, but there are plenty of reasons why customers still choose to form corporations.
Forming a corporation that is taxed as a C corp may offer simpler tax filing options if you operate in multiple states. If the business has a high number of shareholders, it can be simpler to distribute profits through a corporation, especially if shareholders are residents of states that have high personal income tax rates. And, of course, if you have dreams of taking your company public, forming a corporation is the choice for you.
When you incorporate online with Incorporate Fast Inc., we will incorporate your business as fast as possible. We will create and file your articles of incorporation, your shareholder, board of director, and officer election meeting minutes, and we will provide you with corporate bylaws ready to be ratified by you. We will also obtain an EIN for your corporation, which will be necessary for you to open a bank account in your corporation’s name. And you can rest assured Incorporate Fast Inc. will have all your documents filed correctly and with a speed that can’t be matched.
When Incorporate Fast Inc was founded in 2002, almost no state had the infrastructure to handle online business formations, and starting a new business entity could take weeks. That’s why we started Incorporate Fast, so we could start your business fast. And we did! We helped change the industry by facilitating online signups and building a vast network of filers and couriers who delivered formation documents by hand.
Now, times and methods have changed, but the experience and knowledge we gained and the professional relationships we cultivated have kept Incorporate Fast Inc. ahead of the pack. Since our beginning, we’ve formed more than 25,000 new businesses, and we’re still evolving, working harder than ever, and will never be slowing down.
Since 2002, we’ve integrated technology that allows us to incorporate your business online before you even have time to cross the task off your to-do list. With years of experience, our professional filers will form your company with care and speed to ensure you can do business as fast as possible. We’ll also get your business on the web and help you set up professional lines of communication with your clients in minutes with our domain name, website, SSL certificate, email, and virtual phone services.
If you want to form an LLC or start a corporation, you’ve found the right online incorporation service with Incorporate Fast Inc.